Visa Information

A U.S. visa allows a foreign citizen to travel to a U.S. port of entry and request admission into the United States from a Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection immigration officer.

The Department of State recommends its Web site,, as the primary source for visa information.

The State Department also recommends for information on how to contact any Embassy Consular Section Worldwide for additional procedures, including how to schedule an interview appointment, pay fees, and much more.

Applicants should apply to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in his or her country of residence.

Letter of Invitation Request

To honor a request for a letter of invitation, you must either:

  • Be an author of an accepted paper, or
  • Be a conference participant who has paid the full registration fee in advance.

Request a letter of invitation

Your letter of invitation will be e-mailed, and an original paper copy will be mailed to the mailing address provided below. Fill out this form to request a letter of invitation. All fields are required.