Past Atlanta Conference
The Atlanta Conference on S&T Policy
US-EU Policies for Research and Innovation
May 18-20, 2006
Atlanta, GA
9:00–9:30 | Welcome G. Wayne Clough, President, Georgia Institute of Technology Peter McGuire, Associate Dean, Ivan Allen College Terry Blum, Dean, College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology Diana Hicks, Chair, School of Pubic Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology Philippe Laredo, Coordinator, PRIME Network of Excellence |
9:30–10:30 | Session 1: Keynote Address (open to public) Introduction by Susan E. Cozzens, Georgia Institute of Technology John H. Marburger, III, United States, Science Advisor to the President and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy, USA |
Break |
10:45–12:30 | Session 2: Grand Challenges in the Science of Science Policy Chair: Albert H. Teich, AAAS William Butz, Population Reference Bureau, Deborah Duran, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, Richard Newell, Council of Economic Advisors, Katy Börner, Indiana University, |
Lunch [Georgia Tech Hotel Dining Room] |
1:00–3:00 | Session 3: Innovation Policy in the Light of Global Economic Competition Chair: Mary Ellen Mogee, SRI Chad Evans, Vice President, National Innovation Initiative, Council on Competitiveness, USA Luke Georghiou, Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester, UK; Rapporteur for ,” report of an independent expert group Stefan Kuhlmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovations Research, Germany, and Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands, Rosalie Ruegg, TIA consulting, USA, |
Break |
3:30–5:30 | Session 4: Changing sciences, changing institutions Chair: Philip Shapira, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Michael Crow, Arizona State University, USA, “The New American University” Andrea Bonaccorsi, Laboratory of Economics and Management, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy, Andrew James, Manchester Business School, UK, “The UK Defence Labs: Radical Institutional Change, Technology Transfer and Innovation System Dynamics” |
5:30–7:00 | Poster session and Reception sponsored by Sue V. Rosser, Dean, Ivan Allen College and Charles Liotta, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, Georgia Institute of Technology |
7:00 | Conference dinner [Global Learning Center] |
FRIDAY, May 19
9:00–10:30 | Session 5: Models and Indicators Chair: Jim Granato, Dept of Government, University of Texas, USA Remi Barré, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France Irwin Feller, AAAS, USA Discussant: Peter van den Besselaer, Rathenau Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands ----------- Session 6: Careers/ Human Resources/ Workforce Chair: Wanda Ward, National Science Foundation, USA Cheryl Leggon, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Laura Cruz-Castro, Higher Council for Scientific Research, Spain* Danielle Logue, Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies, Sydney, Australia** Discussant: Kamau Bobb, National Academy of Engineering, USA * Laura Cruz-Castro and Luis Sanz-Menendez, Higher Council for Scientific Research, Spain, ** Danielle Logue, Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies, University of Western Sydney, Australia, Professor Tim Turpin University of Western Sydney, Australia; Professor Jane Marceau, University of Technology Sydney, Australia; Professor Stephen Hill, University of Wollongong, Australia; Dr Richard Woolley, University of Western Sydney, Australia, |
Break |
11:00–12:30 |
Session 7: Contributed paper sessions Session 7A: Policy Intelligence for Innovation Friday, May 19, 11 – 12:30 Chair: Hannes Toivanen. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Finland 1. Mark Boden. European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Sevilla, Spain () 2. Jan Kozlowski, and Veronika Frigyesi. DG JRC IPTS SERA Unit 3. Hannes Toivanen. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Finland. () ----------- Session 7B: Frontiers of Evaluation Friday, May 19, 11 – 12:30 Chair: William Valdez, Department of Energy, USA 1. Gretchen Jordan, Sandia National Laboratories (); Jerald Hage, University of Maryland, USA (); and Jonathan Mote, University of Maryland, USA (). 2. Impact Assessment as a Management Tool. Experiences in Finnish Research Organizations. Jari Konttinen () / Kirsi Hyytinen. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (). 3. R&D Assessment: Global Trends in Metrics and Measures. Julia Melkers () / Eric Welch. University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; Gordon Kingsley () / Branco Ponomariov. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. ----------- Session 7C: Internationalization of R&D Friday, May 19, 11 – 12:30 Chair: Diana Hicks, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 1. Jakob Edler / Stefan Kuhlmann. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research; Germany. 2. Torsti Loikkanen. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (). 3. Theodoros Papaioannou. ESRC/INNOGEN & DPP, The Open University; and George Tsekouras. CENTRIM, University of Brighton. ----------- Session 7D: The Social Science Base for Science Policy Friday, May 19, 11 – 12:30 Chair: Daniel Malkin, InterAmerican Development Bank 1. Nirmala Kannankutty and Lynda T. Carlson (). Division of Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation, USA. 2. James Granato, University of Texas, Austin, USA (); Frank Scioli, National Science Foundation, USA. 3. Pamela Ebert-Flattau, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute, USA (). 4. Bhavya Lal, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute, USA (). ----------- Session 7E: Identifying and Understanding Creative Research I Friday, May 19, 11 – 12:30 Chair: Stefan Kuhlmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovations Research and Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University 1. Philip Shapira, Georgia Institute of Technology (); and Thomas Heinze, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovations Research (). 2. Characterizing Creative Scientists: Productivity, Disciplinary Breadth and Network Position. Thomas Heinze, Fraunhofe Institute for Systems and Innovation Analysis, Germany, () and Gerrit Baeur, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Analysis, Germany (). 3. ). |
Lunch |
1:30–3:00 | Session 8: Innovation in States and Regions Chair: Stephen Crawford, National Governor’s Association , Georgia Institute of Technology, USA , Higher Council for Scientific Research Discussant: Howard Gobstein, National Association of State and Land Grant Universities and Colleges ----------- Session 9: S&T for Development Chair: Marta Cehelsky, National Science Foundation, USA Arie Rip, Twente University , Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay Discussant: Daniel Malkin, InterAmerican Development Bank |
Break |
3:30–5:30 | Session 10: Contributed paper sessions Session 10A: Setting and Evaluating National Priorities Friday, May 19, 3:30 – 5:30 Chair: Mark Zachary Taylor. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1. Jerald H. Hage. University of Maryland, USA. (). 2. Government R&D Funding: New Approaches in the Allocation Policies for Public and Private Beneficiaries. Bianca Poti. (); and Emanuela Reale () CERIS CNR, Italy. 3. The Politics of Technological Change: International Relationships versus Domestic Institutions. Mark Zachary Taylor. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (). ----------- Session 10B: Stimulating Jobs and Growth Friday, May 19, 3:30 – 5:30 Chair: J David Roessner, Georgia Institute of Technology and SRI 1. René van Bavel and Andries Brandsma, JRC-IPTS, European Commission. 2. The Public Policies to Foster the Creation of Research Based Spin-Off firms in Europe (or the gap between policy expectations and their results). Philippe Mustar. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mines de Paris, France (). 3. Jan Nill. European Commission Joint Research Centre – IPTS, Sevilla, Spain (). 4. Yonghong Wu. University of Illinois at Chicago, USA (). ----------- Session 10C: Innovation in Regional Dynamics Friday, May 19, 3:30 – 5:30 Chair: Jan Youtie, Georgia Institute of Technology 1. Simcha Jong. European University Institute, Italy (). 2. Monica Salazar. Simon Fraser University, Canada (). 3. Andrea Bonaccorsi, University of Pisa, Italy; and Grid Thoma, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy (). 4. The Role of Regional Institutional Entrepreneurs in the Emergence of Clusters in Nanotechnologies Mangematin, V. - ESSEC and GAEL ; Rip, A. – University of Twente; Delemare A. - ENPC/LATTS, Paris; Robinson, D.K.R. - University of Twente. 5. Jan Youtie () / Philip Shapira (). Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. ----------- Session 10D: Networks in Innovation Analysis Friday, May 19, 3:30 – 5:30 Chair: Caroline S. Wagner, George Washington University 1. Elizabeth A. Corley, Arizona State University, USA (); Kimberly Johns, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA (); and Julia Melkers, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA (). 2. Terttu Luukkonen, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Helsinki, Finland (); Maria Nedeva, The PREST, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK; and Rémi Barré, Conservatoire des Arts-et-Métiers, Paris, France. 3. Jonathon Mote, University of Maryland, USA; Gretchen Jordan, Sandia National Laboratory (); and Jerald Hage, University of Maryland, USA (). 4. Caroline S. Wagner () and Sue Mohrman. ----------- Session 10E: Fostering Research Creativity II Friday, May 19, 3:30 – 5:30 Chair: Cheryl Leggon, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 1. Organizational Contexts and Factors Influencing Creativity in Basic Science. J. Rogers Hollingsworth. Departments of History and Sociology, University of Wisconsin, USA. (). 2. Christopher Newfield. Center for Nanotechnology in Society, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (). 3. Ron Naaman, Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute, and Chairman of the Board, FIRST, Israel Science Foundation (). |
9:00–10:30 | Session 11: Contributed paper sessions Session 11A: Setting and Evaluating National Priorities Saturday, May 20, 9 – 10:30 Chair: Paolo Pasimeni, CSIC – Spanish Council for Scientific 1. Chialin Chang, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (); Stéphane Robin, University of Strasbourg 1, France (). 2. Regina Gusmao, The State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil (). 3. Wei Hong, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. 4. Evolution of Industrial Policies for Technology Innovation: Experiences from China. Xinxin Kong (); and Hui Yan, Ministry of Science and Technology, China. 5. Paolo Pasimeni ()/ Rafael Rodriguez- Clemente. CSIC – Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Seville, Spain; Anne-Sophie Boisard/ Rigas Arvanitis (). IRD –Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Paris, France. ----------- Session 11B: New Universities and New Institutional Environments Saturday, May 20, 9 – 10:30 Chair: Juan D. Rogers. Georgia Institute of Technology 1. Andrea Bonaccorsi. University of Pisa, Italy; and Cinzia Daraio. IIT – CNR and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. 2. Thomas Heinze. Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany (); and Stefan Kuhlmann. Fraunhofe ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany; and Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands. 3. Juan D. Rogers. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (). ----------- Session 11C: Nanotechnology in Context Saturday, May 20, 9 – 10:30 Chair: Patrick Hamlett, North Carolina State [invited] 1. Avenel, E. - GAEL, INRA/UPMF ; Kahane, B.- ISTM and LATTS; Ma, S., Mangematin, V. - ESSEC and GAEL ; and Rieu, C. 2. Patrick W. Hamlett, North Carolina State University, USA. (). 3. Explorations in Research and Innovation Systems Assessment: Where is Nano Going? Alan L. Porter (), Philip Shapira (), David J. Schoeneck, Ajay Sivaram Bhaskarabhatla, Jan Youtie, and Dirk Libaers. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. ----------- Session 11D: Innovation and Inequalities Saturday, May 20, 9 – 10:30 Chair: Andrea Fernandez Ribas, Georgia Institute of Technology 1. Barry Bozeman ()/ Paul Hirsch (), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. 2. Susan Cozzens, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (). 3. Sonia Gatchair, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (). 4. Peter Healey, James Martin Institute, Oxford University, UK (). |
Break |
11:00–12:30 | Session 12: Closing plenary: the field of S&T policy studies: supply, demand, disciplinary ecology Diana Hicks, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA , Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, France Terttu Luukkonen, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Finland Ben Martin, Science Policy Research Unit, UK Mark Weiss, National Science Foundation, USA Susan Cozzens, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Lunch |
P.M. | Atlanta field trips |