Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology,
and Innovation Policy 2007

The landscape of global innovation is shifting. New problems and actors are emerging.

Governments seek new strategies and are turning to the science, technology, and innovation policy research community for models and research results to tell them what works, what doesn’t, and under what circumstances.

Test models of innovation. Explore emerging STI policy issues. Share research results. Join us Friday and Saturday, Oct. 19 and 20, at the Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology, and Policy 2007.

Topics focus on emerging issues of science, technology, and innovation in global economy and society:

  • Innovation in new forms and formats; markets, organizations, and industries in transition
  • Emerging global networks of scientific communication
  • Workforces and workplaces of science and technology; career opportunities for scientists and engineers
  • Government policies for encouraging knowledge based—and learning economies, North and South
  • Intellectual property regimes for supporting innovation in different national contexts
  • Globalization of research and development and the changing roles of transnational corporations and government policies
  • Impacts of China and India in the global innovation ecology
  • Innovation to address global energy, environmental, and health challenges
  • Localization and globalization of careers for scientists and engineers
  • Science and technology in governance and the governance of science and technology
  • Emerging technologies, and emerging societal responses

Key Questions This Conference Will Answer:

  • How is the landscape of global innovation shifting?
  • What strategies can national governments follow in this new landscape?
  • What works, what doesn’t, and under what circumstances in today’s global economy and society?

Who Should Attend

  • Researchers and analysts who study science, technology, or innovation
  • Staff and decision-makers from public and private agencies that support or shape science or innovation.

Keep me posted with conference news and updates

Past Atlanta Conferences
